Welcome to SF Tech.

We have been providing our customers on Roblox with highly advanced technology for over 3 years. Our products and services have created an industry standard in terms of design and functionality and are consistently used by hundreds of games on the platform. Weather you are running a school, supermarket or anything else, SF Tech has you covered.LEARN MORE
Blurred Picture of SF Tech Auto Doors

Cloud Services

SF Tech has been providing customers with sophisticated connected cloud services for over a year.
imageHotelPLUSHotelPLUS is SF Tech's highly advanced hotel check-in system with web-based room booking and powerful backends.LEARN MORE
imageQuickBloxQuickBlox is the perfect way to manage your group's staff. Our intuitive system allows you to track attendance and hiring.LEARN MORE
imageSynergySynergy is the most advanced school information management system available on Roblox, allowing you to keep track of student behaviour and progress.LEARN MORE